Alex’s story
Alex’s friend recommended that she get in touch with me. At the time, Alex was going through mediation, which she was finding difficult. She was living with her ex-husband, and every day felt like a challenge. Alex says:
“We were going through mediation and I didn’t do well, I felt outsmarted and ridiculed all the time, I was overwhelmed, I was overreacting and making a mistake after mistake. I was scared of coming home, as it felt like a minefield, I was scared of the next mediation session and any next step.
The main challenge was to stop myself on those tracks of simultaneously losing all the confidence and hope and becoming more and more emotional about things.
I felt like I was a fly in a cobweb, whatever I did I only made it worse for myself
Claire was on my side from the very beginning, things improved for me after the very first session even. She gave me another perspective, questioning why I was so critical to myself, giving me small tasks which at first I thought I wouldn’t be able to do, though I tried, and it works.
There were a lot of small changes which made a big difference for me. Though the biggest revelation was about control zones. I changed my thinking from why he did or didn’t do that, to what I, myself, can do to stop or reduce opportunities for unwanted behaviour. Another big one was about values. That made me realise that this marriage could not work, as our values were always dramatically different.
Over the time I was working with Claire, I got back to myself, and learnt how to take myself out of the situations I don’t like. I remembered how to smile and even though we are not on the other side yet and I have my challenges every day, I feel equipped for them. I’m calmer, I’m more confident, I am not a toothless victim.
Claire is very intelligent and her soft approach, good sense of humour and out of box thinking provided me with a lifeline through the darkest times and with a great amount of knowledge which I am using and can see myself using with different people and in different times.
I would strongly recommend Claire to anyone who is going through emotionally loaded situations. She can give you the tools you need for those times, through this knowledge you gain stays for the next page of your life.”