
 Walker Family law - Divorce support club

I run a monthly Divorce Support Club with Walker Family Law. The monthly sessions provide a safe, informal place to ask questions and gather a toolkit to help you manage your emotions, get clarity around the things that worry or scare you and focus on what you can do, so that you feel stronger and more confident.

The Divorce Support Club is open to anyone that feels they would benefit from this support network. Whether you are in an active divorce or separation, you are divorced or separated but still living with your ex, or you haven’t yet begun the process of your divorce or separation, you are welcome and your attendance is completely anonymous. 

Perhaps you are finding the process overwhelming, and you feel confused about your options. Maybe you are worried about the impact of your separation on your children, or anxious about how to communicate with your ex. Or maybe you are not sure how to cope with the emotional ups and downs you are feeling.

During our live sessions, we can answer any questions that you may have there and then using the Q&A feature, tailor our sessions to your needs.  

To access all the resources from our sessions, please sign up here.

Sills & Betteridge webinar series

Please click on the links below to access any of the session in my recent webinar series with Sills & Betteridge solicitors: