Collaboration with solicitors & other professionals
How your clients handle the emotional journey of their divorce can have a huge impact on the costs and impact of their legal journey.
Clients who work openly and productively with a coach, with a view to moving forward, are more certain in their instructions, as they know what they are trying to achieve. They are more able to manage their emotions, and access their own resourcefulness. They can see choices and options, and they are able to evaluate different ways forward. They are more able to see different perspectives and make more measured decisions.
I share common values with the lawyers, mediators, financial advisers, and other professionals I work with - we all want to achieve the very best outcome for each client and their family. Together, we support them to divorce with dignity, confidence & resilience, and create vibrant, fulfilling lives afterwards.
I am an Associate Member of Resolution, and active member of my local POD. I work alongside solicitors, mediators, barristers, financial advisers and other professionals so that together, we can ensure each client has the support network they need in to get the right advice from the right person at the right time. I do this in a number of ways:
“Claire is incredibly insightful, and from the moment my clients have met her they’ve described an instant feeling of “she gets this” and “she understands what I’m going through”.
Having referred many of my clients to Claire, and having attended some of her workshops, it is clear she is full of easy and accessible top tips and information at a time when you may be going through difficult personal circumstances.
Claire is definitely someone you would want in your team if you’re facing a separation, and I would not hesitate to recommend her.”