Jane’s story

When Jane first got in touch with me, she was already divorced but felt stuck.  She wanted to get out of the repeating loop she felt she was in and move her life forward. Jane says:

When I got in touch with Claire, I had been separated for 5 years and divorced for 2. Despite therapy, and time, and the support of good friends, I felt like I was stuck in a loop. I would think I was doing really well but then my ex-husband would do or say something and I was triggered and thrown back into anxiety/upset/anger. I felt ‘stuck’ in a pattern of negative behaviour and totally at the mercy of my ex-husband’s moods and actions.

I wanted to move forward, stop thinking about my ex-husband, and stop letting his actions affect me so much. I wanted to be able to acknowledge my own life and my achievements.

At the time I contacted Claire I was particularly angry and upset following another bout of antagonism from my ex. I was feeling ‘lonely’ because having been separated for such a long time, I thought I should be dealing with things on my own rather than burdening friends. I also felt like a bit of a failure because even after 5-6 years, I wasn’t ‘thriving’ and getting on with my own life, which on paper looked great.

Claire helped me to concentrate on my own life, my own success, my own achievements, irrespective of what my ex is doing. She helped me to see what I can control and what I can’t control.

She had some great tools for dealing with particular problems, like visualisation and using mantras.

One visualisation that really helped is the concept of my Powerhouse. It was really helpful to acknowledge what feeds it and what drains it. I still refer to it and try to avoid behaviours or situations that drain it, and actively pursue things that feed it.

I am also quite a visual person, so I enjoyed the aspect of drawing charts and graphs (and buckets!) to see the positivity in my life.

I no longer feel like my life is controlled by my ex-husband’s behaviour. I am much more aware of my own life, what I am achieving, what I can aim for, what I like to do.

Honestly, I was sceptical in the beginning about Life Coaching in general. But Claire addressed my doubts and queries honestly and openly. Claire is kind and caring. She is very supportive. When I contacted her between sessions, she always responded quickly and I felt that she was there for me. She is also honest and funny.

Claire is very encouraging and it really helped to have her in my corner when I was taking steps forward with my job/house etc.

I would recommend Claire to others. She has a wealth of useful information and obviously a lot of experience. She is hugely supportive. And I honestly feel that I am in a much better, stronger place now than when I contacted her.
— Jane, London