June’s story
When June first came to see me, she was stuck and unsure what to do next. She had consulted with a lawyer, but wasn’t sure whether she was doing the right thing. June says:
“When I first approached Claire I was stuck and unhappy with myself / my life and the situation I was in. We were married and living separate lives. My main concern was that I was a failure, that I was inadequate and not good enough, and I found it a challenge to voice what I wanted. I was feeling pretty low in my self, I had low self-esteem and I felt powerless.
Claire’s coaching helped me enormously - through our discussions I realised I had choices I could visualise, and that I had a right to a life and to be happy. Thinking back to our first session, we did an exercise where we read out some statements, and I picked out 2 or 3 I could relate to. “If you do what you’ve always done, you’ll get what you’ve always got” and “if what you’re doing isn’t working, try anything else”. I use these statements to rethink when what I’d doing is’t working, and it has really helped me.
The biggest shift for me is that I feel I have had a weight taken off me now, and I can make my own choices. Claire has given me the confidence to believe in myself and that I can achieve what I want. I would definitely recommend Claire to others; she has helped me to focus on what I want out of life and given me the confidence to achieve this. I no longer think of everyone else but think of myself and what I need to make me a happier person.”