Liberty’s story
When Liberty first came to see me, she knew wanted to leave her marriage. She wanted support to leave both safely and with dignity. We worked together over the following year, during which Liberty showed huge amounts of courage, bravery and tenacity. Her divorce went through the court system, and once the final hearing was over, Liberty emailed to say:
“I couldn’t wait to share this news with you, as you’ve been on my journey with me.
Yesterday we had our FDR, the judge was lovely to me – he had read all the notes, seen all my spreadsheets, and found in my favour. A small victory, but a victory nonetheless. It was worth everything I’ve gone through.
I can’t quite believe it’s all over and it was wonderful to wake up this morning feeling liberated.
I couldn’t have got off the starting bricks without your help and support, a huge thank you for giving me the tools to break free.
I was, and am, blessed to have had the most wonderful support team around me, who propped me up, put up with my moods, got me to see sense when I talked about going back, and was just there for me.
If I’d known what lay ahead, would I have done this? Jury is still out on that one, but maybe having my front door key will change that… As you know, it was this dream I desperately held on to.
You are an inspiration to many and I wish you every success in helping people like me. xxx”