Sophie’s story

Sophie came to see me following a recommendation from her solicitor. Her husband had left very suddenly a few months earlier.  After he left, Sophie discovered that they were facing serious financial difficulties, massive debt, and cash flow problems that she had not known about. Sophie says:

I was reeling with emotional pain, distraught at the unfolding reality of our financial situation, responsible 24/7 for my elderly mother and trying to hold down a full time job as our main source of income. I felt so many emotions. Bewildered. Overwhelmed. Devastated. Lost. Betrayed.

Claire helped me to keep my sanity! She brought a much-needed combination of understanding and pragmatism. She helped me identify the smaller steps I could take to move things forward without losing the plot. She was able to cover all the bases I needed from emotional support to helping me work out what legal and financial guidance I needed. I left each session with a clear road ahead.

There were several “a-ha moments” for me. The biggest one was to keep focusing on the positive outcomes that I was working towards instead of drowning in the awfulness I had uncovered. I was used to this technique for problem solving at work and it was life changing to really build it into my personal situation and use it to keep me moving forward.

I have moved on a great deal now and I have learned how to manage my emotions differently. The disbelief and pain of betrayal and loss is still there, but when it surfaces (which it does less frequently now) I can step back and view it differently, and work my way out of it, rather than being subsumed by it. Most of the time!

Claire is thoughtful, kind, organised, helpful and pragmatic. She helped me to keep moving forward and also to see how far I had travelled.

I would definitely recommend Claire to others. Separation/divorce is a bewildering time where every aspect of your life is turned upside down. To have an understanding, supportive and knowledgeable guide to travel the road with you is invaluable.